Man Constructs Massive World War One Era Trench in Backyard

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Some historians get really into their hobby, weather it be in the form of collecting artifacts, conducting countless hours of research, or just simply becoming obsessed with their area of expertise. None fit this description more than Andrew Robertshaw.

The former history teacher has constructed a 60-foot long World War One era trench in his back garden. Why, you ask? Why not.

The project took 30 volunteers and required the shifting of over 200 tons of earth. Once the project was completed, Robertsaw and his team spent 24 hours living in the trenches, to fully immerse themselves in the experience.

The trench itself features a kitchen, infantry room, and officer’s dugout. Being an ex-history teacher, Robertshaw obviously knows his stuff, and even acted as a military advisor on Steven Spielberg’s epic “War Horse.”

Robertshaw has opened the trench to the public in the past, but hopes to create a website so that schoolchildren can virtually explore the dugout.

Image Credit: Ciaran McCrickard/Connors


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