Apple Maps Discloses Location of Top-Secret Taiwan Military Base

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While Apple’s Maps application has been under fire recently for its lack of accuracy, now it catching heat for being too accurate.

Apparently the application has given away the location of a brand new, and supposedly top secret, radar facility in Taiwan.

The Hsinchu base houses a cutting-edge long-range radar procured from the United States in 2003. Construction of the radar is expected to be completed by the end of the year. The ultra-high-frequency radar, supplied by US defence group Raytheon, is capable of detecting missiles launched as far away as Xinjiang in China’s northwest, military officials say. They say the radar, which cost $1.23 billion, is designed to give Taiwan minutes of extra warning in case of a Chinese missile attack.”

The 1.2 billion dollar facility was meant to be kept under warps from the public, and especially Chinese government officials. Unfortunately, Apple has now given millions of people a detailed view of the site.

In the past, militaries around the world would request that Google blur or offer lower resolutions of certain sensitive locations. Taiwan says they have submitted a request to Apple to do the same with their base, but have yet to hear a response.

Image Credit: Apple Maps 


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